Our Events Programme
We ran a programme of events across 2024, designed as always to deliver value and opportunity for all INCA member organisations. We're now developing our programme for the year ahead.
Jan 25th: Adapting to One Touch Switching
TOTSCo CEO Paul Bradbury and colleagues brought participants up to date with the state of play regarding the implementation of One Touch Switch, and what your organisation needs to be doing to ensure a smooth integration and compliance. Free to INCA member representatives.
Feb 22nd: Changes, Challenges & Collaboration: A Supplier's Journey
The first in a planned series of in-person roadshow events for 2024 highlighting key innovations and technologies offered by suppliers to the Altnet sector, this half-day session in London provided a useful introduction and overview across the linked functions of Design, Build and Operate
Mar 7th: Shaping the Next WFTMR
Ofcom has commenced work on a further review of the Wholesale Fixed Telecoms Market, building on the 2021-26 review. Early engagement is imperative, and INCA has been busy on this behalf of members for some time already. It is clear that this will be a substantial undertaking, demanding prompt, detailed and authoritative interventions if we are gain positive outcomes for the Altnet sector. This webinar will bring participants up to date with the WFTMR process and potential impacts for Altnets. We'll set out INCA's evolving work programme, and make the case for the Altnet sector to work together in concert in order to maximise our impact and shape the review to our advantage.
Apr 9th: Refresh & Restyle: Marketing Through Market Shift
An in-person half-day event in Central London focussing on what it takes to build and maintain a strong and clear brand identity in a fast-changing market. Join us to discuss market trends and challenges, and explore successful strategies.
May 9th: Design & Build: Innovation in Action
The second of our innovation roadshow events, focussing on innovation in the supply chain. This in-person afternoon hosted by Mills Limited at their centre in Uxbridge will be consider the design and build process in the context of Project Gigabit rollouts.
Jun 13th: The Road to Consolidation
A one-day conference at the Royal Armouries in Leeds, this event is designed to bring the sector together mid-year, with discussion, debates, presentations and interactive workshops on key topics from investment to innovation, standards to software, policy to PIA.
Jul 23rd: The New Political Climate: Investment & Competition
This year will likely see further acceleration in the inevitable process of market consolidation, as various players jockey for position and investors consider options for exit strategies. This in-person half-day hosted by Grant Thornton at their London offices will aim to provide some insight into the changing shape of the market, what makes for a successful consolidation, and what the next 6-12 months might bring.
Nov: The INCA Summit: Defining the Future
26th- 27th November bringing the Altnet sector together along with the supply chain for a two-day in-person summit event to review and celebrate progress to date on the transformative shift in UK telecoms in which the Altnets have been instrumental, and plot out the future course for development that will deliver lasting benefits for consumers and the UK economy.
Details of upcoming events for the year ahead, along with online registration, will be made available as details are confirmed.
INCA hosts a range of seminars, conferences and other events across the year. We have a strong reputation for the quality and value of our events programme. To be sure of receiving early notification of upcoming events subscribe to our mailing list. To support INCA's work and access additional benefits, including discounts on event fees, your organisation should become a member of INCA.
We aim to offer an events programme that meets the needs of our membership and helps them to move further faster. If you have ideas for events that our members will find valuable please talk to us.
Event Sponsorship
Members and other organisations are able to support our events programme through sponsorship. If your organisation would like to discuss the options and benefits, please get in touch.