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INCA Awards 2024: Nomination Form

INCA Awards 2024 programme visual identity

Submissions to our 2024 INCA Awards programme are now open. Use the form below to submit your nomination/s.

Each entry will be assessed by our independent panel of judges based on the category to which it has been submitted. You also need to ensure that you are compliant with the simple rules of the awards programme.

If submitting a nomination for the Rising Star award, ensure that you select 'Individual' here. If your submission is for the Outstanding Contribution award, select the option relevant to your nominee. For all other awards categories you should select 'Organisation'.
The name of the organisation or individual that you are nominating for an INCA Gold award.
You may nominate for one category. Your submission should show clearly how the nominee and the work they have done addresses the issues and criteria for the category selected.
Identify the piece of work or project that you are providing information about to evidence your nomination. Remember that the judges are interested in achievements rather than aspirations.
What was the timeframe of the project? Please give a rough start and end date, e.g. July 2020 - April 2021. Remember that the judges are looking for projects and activities that are either completed or very close to completion by summer 2021. If your submission creates to work that is still in its early stages you may want to hold your submission until next year.
Please provide a brief (100 words max) summary description. If this nomination is shortlisted this text will be used in the brochure given to everyone attending the Awards Dinner.
You can use this to provide a modest amount (please be kind to our judges!) of key supporting evidence as appropriate (e.g. customer testimonial/test results/financial information/no. of premises passed/ maps/ images). Collate your evidence into a single PDF document and upload it.
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
About You
We'll use the data you provide about yourself solely to communicate with you about your nomination.

The data you submit through this form will be used by our panel of judges to assess the entries. In the event that we need any additional information, we'll be in touch with you.

Data submitted will be processed in line with our privacy policy.