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Gold Standard Accreditation: Application Form

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This form is for INCA Members to apply for their network to be accredited under the INCA Gold Standard Scheme.

The application will be reviewed by the INCA Gold Standard Committee according to the criteria set for the INCA Gold Standard Scheme.

Where an Organisation operates multiple Categories, please indicate how each Category may be differentiated so that the correct Logo can be used where relevant.

There are criteria common to all Network Categories as well as criteria for each Category. All applications must meet the common criteria for all Categories plus the criteria for the specific Category(ies) desired. You don’t have to complete a Category if you are not applying for it.

Each box must be ticked to confirm compliance to the detailed criteria of the Scheme. These are available in full here and should be reviewed before completing and submitting this form. The form below confirms your Organisation’s compliance with the full criteria.

Fees are payable according to a scale set by the INCA Board.

The Accreditation period runs from the date Accreditation is granted until the INCA Membership Renewal date of the Organisation. Accreditation Renewal happens at the same time as Membership Renewal.