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INCA Launches a Manifesto for the 2024 Election

Image of INCA Manifesto for the 2024 General ElectionWith the 2024 General Election campaign in full swing, INCA has published a manifesto for the full fibre broadband sector. Aimed at candidates, the concise manifesto seeks to inform readers about the significant achievements of the Altnet sector, and sets out just five key policy asks,

These five points – taken together – will enable the next Government to ensure that the benefits that Altnets have brought to the fixed telecoms market will be sustained over the long term:

The manifesto puts forward 3 recommendations that the new Government should implement within its first 100 days in power:

  1. Re-commit to Project Gigabit
  2. Support competition in the private rental and social housing sectors
  3. Fully adopt Flexi-permits

and sets out two further policy priorities for the next parliament:

  1. Secure the UK's digital future by embracing competition and consumer choice
  2. Launch a public information campaign about the digital infrastructure revolution.