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The Rules of the INCA Awards Programme

INCA Awards 2024 programme visual identity

The Rules and guiding principles for the INCA Awards Programme are simple:

  • Any current INCA Member organisation can make a nomination (submit an entry). 
  • You can make as many nominations/submissions as you wish.
  • Each submission must be specific to one award category. The same entry can not be re-used for a different category. Any such submissions made will not be considered.
  • The nominee (the organisation or individual that is nominated) does not need to be an INCA member or representative of an INCA member.
  • You can self-nominate (with the exception of nominations for the Rising Star Award).
  • All nominations must be submitted using the online application form, and by the published deadline. Late submissions will not be be considered.
  • Before you submit a nomination make sure you have secured the agreement of everyone involved to do so.
  • The judges decision is final.
  • The judges are looking to recognise and reward real achievements rather than aspirations. If you plan to submit an entry that is about a defined project or piece of work, it should be completed, or very nearly completed, by the closing date of the nomination window. If that isn't the case please consider submitting to a future awards programme.
  • INCA is at heart about innovation and collaboration. These are two key aspects that we will be looking for in the submissions.
  • The deadline by which all nominations should be submitted is midnight on 30th August 2024. Late entries will not be considered.

If you need any information or guidance about the awards programme please get in touch via