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As well as news from INCA itself we are keen to include relevant news items from INCA members. Please send relevant items of news, ideally including a photo where relevant, to We'll publish news from members that we feel is of interest.

  • On behalf of the Independent Networks Co-operative Association and all our members we wish to offer our sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

    Few of us will have known any other monarch. The Queen was truly the epitome of public service both in the UK and on the world stage, and she will be sadly missed by millions.

    During the decades of the Queen’s reign many enormous societal changes have taken place, not least being the development of the Internet. INCA’s members are dedicated to renewing the UK’s digital infrastructure and many will be aware that senior members of the Royal Family were early adopters of email and online services.

  • INCA has today announced that the deadline for submissions to the 2022 Awards Programme has been extended to August 22nd. The decision to push back the deadline comes hot on the heels of the announcement of a new 'Rising Star' award.

    INCA's Gill Williams: "We've had a number of members enquiring about  the amount of time available to prepare their awards nominations. Of course we recognise that it takes time and care to develop a good quality nomination submission, and many of our members are already working full pelt deploying new fibre. So when we took the decision to launch the new Rising Star award, it was clear that we had to give members additional time, so we've pushed the deadline back, giving everyone an additional three weeks."

  • The 2022 INCA Awards - photo of an 'INCA Gold' award with blue sky background

    In recognition of the fact that many businesses in our sector have been rapidly growing their teams over the last year or two, and that many of those people will be arriving through apprenticeship schemes and other trainee programmes, INCA has announced a new Rising Star award for the 2022 Awards Programme.

    Malcolm Corbett, INCA's CEO: "Recruiting and nurturing talent is an essential art in our sector. For any organisation, success begins with your people – how you develop them, how you support them, and how you enable them to reach their potential. This award – suggested by our Labour & Skills Special Interest Group – seeks to recognise the rising stars of our industry – the young people who are making a significant contribution despite their limited experience."

  • We're pleased to announce that the 2022 INCA Awards Programme has been launched, and we are are keen to receive nominations from member organisations across the seven awards categories. The INCA Awards Programme has been running since 2018, with the goal of highlighting outstanding examples of excellence in our industry, and this year is no different. 

  • More than 5.5 million homes and businesses in the UK can now connect to an independent fibre broadband network, according to new figures published today. For the first time, the total number of live connections provided by the ‘alt nets’ is above 1m. 

    Compiled for INCA by Point Topic using data provided by independent network operators across the country, this year’s ‘Metrics for the UK Independent Network Sector’ report shows that the sector has again doubled in size over the previous year.


  • The voice of the independent network operators – the Altnets – will be heard more effectively across Westminster and Whitehall as INCA, the association that brings together the businesses building the UK’s next generation fibre communications networks, appoints a new Policy and Regulatory director.

  • INCA is working with the FTTH Council Europe to promote the FTTH Conference 2022 which is in Vienna from 23-25 May 2022. We'll be there in person, represented by Gill Williams, so if you are planning to be there, be sure to connect with Gill.

    The FTTH Conference 2022 is the world’s largest fibre summit.

    Targeting 3,500+ participants from 1,000+ companies and over 100 countries, the FTTH Conference is unique in bringing together 'C' level representatives, investors, technical and regulatory experts to discuss and debate all aspects of FTTH, 5G and other fibre related and enabled technologies and services and the benefit they bring to society. 

  • Following the arrival on the statute book in 2021 of the Telecoms Security Act, both DCMS and Ofcom have now launched consultations about the implementation of the legislation.

  • INCA is a co-operative organization and not involved with politics or geo-politics outside its remit on independent networks in the UK.

    That said, the situation in Europe must be of concern to us all, not least the rapidly unfolding humanitarian crisis. INCA has members on the continent, some much closer to the conflict than the UK.

  • By way of introducing the new chair of our Labour & Skills Special Interest Group, Emma Atkins, we chose to make a short video interview.

    Emma is the Founder of the Fibre People specialist recruitment agency and has extensive experience of the recruitment and training issues in our sector. She is also the brains behind the Women in Fibre Initiative – of which INCA is an early supporter – which seeks to promote greater diversity in the industry.


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